Target Focus vs No Target Focus

From Boxing Beta Wiki

Target Focus on

Screenshot 2023-10-14 041658.png
  • Much easier time Tracking your opponents
  • FOV Can be altered to your liking, though not very flexible
  • 2 or 3 Different Angles you can choose from
  • Movement and positioning is solely based on your opponent
  • Very hard to get out of corners
  • You will need Center Control much more often
  • You cannot throw punches or dodges at angles
  • Punches will land more often up close
  • Dodging feels smoother
  • Power Punches will hit more often

Target focus off

  • A bit harder to Track your opponents (Mobile is MUCH harder)
  • FOV is much more Flexible
  • An Infinite number of Angles you can play from
  • Movement and Positioning is Free
  • Easy to get out of Corners or Ropes
  • You will not need Center Control to keep a fight in your favor
  • You can Throw Punches and Dodges at Various Angles
  • Sometimes you will miss your Punches at weird angles
  • Dodges feel more controlled, but less smooth
  • Power Punches will miss more depending on your aim