Power punches

From Boxing Beta Wiki
Power Punch.png

Power Punch

This is an ability you build up by hitting your opponents. This is to help you get the upper hand over your opponent this can be uses in many ways such has breaking block when thrown it will deal 30 damage to the block. It can also be used to deal damage to the players it will deal a punishing 25 damage while also sending the player back giving you the upper hand if the player is below 10 stamina it will cause them to wobble around for a bit giving you that much more of an edge and, if there at 0 stamina it will cause the player to fall to the ground or get on there knee giving you time to heal.

Power Variances

There is currently 6 different power punches you can choose from Corkscrew, Gazelle, Jump Left Hook, Left body Hook, Uppercut, Superman, and Over-Right Hand. When you start Boxing beta you will already have 3 of the 7 that being uppercut, Superman, and Over-Right Hand. all powers have different animations *note (these power variances give no in-game advantage this is all preference)

Pro: Can help you win a match if your losing health wise. Con: If dodged it will cost you a great amount of stamina.